Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Here's a guy doomed to live the rest of his dejected life on welfare...
His black exgirlfriend is a tattoo artist
This dude is trying to get killed. Heck, I'm white and I want to punch him in the face.
Is that a nazi sign on his neck?
Ya don't say?
His head would look good on a stick
He looks like a rapist...
Well no we know
Waiting for the passed out photo, "Rapist"
Well now that we've got that out of the way...
Patrick Swayze's niece married that guy
I wonder if he got that tat before Bubba raped him in the joint?
He's going to grow out of this tattoo as soon as he comes down off all that meth.
Looks like it says Kacist intead of Racist
Here's a guy doomed to live the rest of his dejected life on welfare...